We can sometimes take what God has said, through his word, and interpret it to a fault because of our desires, naivety and in some cases lack of trust, respect and simple obedience to his word. On putting the dinner plates on the table my wife, Cate, stated, “these are hot, do not touch”. Little did our daughter know the plates had been on the hob and had become scalding hot; she didn’t need to know, the safe boundary had verbally been set. However, our daughter had interpreted her mother’s statement as “these......
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I was reading an article the other day about a group of 6000 young people in Salzburg cathedral, filled with the Holy Spirit and worshipping God in that place. What an awesome sight that must have been when we look around and see many of our young people today living in spiritual darkness, most seeking and searching for the answer which they think they will find in drugs, alcohol, sexual exploits etc. How awesome to see so many young people worshipping God and sending out a beacon of light into the spiritual darkness......
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Have you ever come across one of those scriptures where you think, ‘that just doesn’t seem to make sense’? I did this week! It’s one I’ve read loads of time before, and yet never considered what it really means. I was listening to Bill Johnson from Bethel, California, preaching on Romans 12 and he highlighted verse 20, here it is in context: Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary:......
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When we hear the word ‘Mercy’ what do we think of? Perhaps a prisoner being pardoned by a judge and rescued from prison, or maybe letting an animal go free when it has been trapped. So, when we think of God’s mercy towards us it means ‘Not giving us what we do deserve’ whilst grace is ‘Giving us what we don’t deserve’ So, when we read Psalm 145 ‘The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies......
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We sing a song at church that never fails to touch my heart. It may pull at your heart too or maybe not, but I felt the words are worth sharing with you today. Come out of sadness from wherever you’ve been Come broken hearted let rescue begin, come find your mercy Oh sinner, come kneel Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can’t heal. So, lay down your burdens, lay down your shame All who are broken, lift up your face Oh wanderer, come home, you’re not too far So, lay down your......
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