How many of us when setting off on a journey we haven’t done before switch on the SatNav (GPS)? I love the way it adjusts itself and changes direction when we don’t follow it exactly. I read this analogy this week in the Bible in a Year, written by Nicky Gumbell. So, I am repeating this example, courtesy of Nicky Gumbell. I think it’s a pretty good analogy of our Christian life. Jesus told His disciples before He went to the cross to lay down His life for us, that He was going......
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Recently I was reading a story about Corrie Ten Boom when she was a little girl. (She was a Dutch Christian who helped Jews escape from the Nazis In the second world war). She said to her father ‘Daddy I don’t think I will ever be strong enough to serve Jesus Christ’. And her father replied ‘when you want to go on a train do I buy a ticket weeks in advance? No I get it when you are ready to depart’. Maybe we can all learn a little from this story. We......
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One definition of faith in ‘Wikipedia’ is ‘ believing in something without evidence’ or as Hebrews 11 v 1 puts it ‘It (faith) is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen, It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see’ .(NLT) then Hebrews chapter 11 goes on to give examples through scripture of great faith : God’s creation; Abel’s offering; Enoch who was taken to heaven without dying; Noah building the ark when he had never seen rain, then one of the most well-known stories of faith......
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How many of us have made New Year Resolutions.? And how often have we broken those promises? I reckon a good one to make this year is to stop worrying. You know I’ve heard it said that a mother worries about her children to show that she loves them. But you know I think that is a lie of the enemy. If the devil can clutter up your mind with unnecessary cares, thoughts, worries then it makes less space for the Word of God or the good things we need to focus on.......
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I’ve read a story about Howard Carter who, in 1922, discovered the long lost tomb of Tutankhamen. He found treasures there that the modern world had never seen. People had searched for over 3000 years without success. The only reason that Howard Carter succeeded was that he persevered in the face of constant opposition and he discovered these priceless treasures. Can you see the parallel with our Christian walk with God? Many times in the Word we see the words ‘Ask and you will receive’ Luke 11 v 9 NKJV, but in the......
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I believe it is very important that we seek to help your people to respond with faith and not out of fear. I believe the Lord wants to speak to us concerning the present coronavirus pandemic, through the occasion of the storm on the Lake, recorded in Mark 4 v.35 – 41. Like the coronavirus “storm”, the storm on the Sea of Galilee was a serious crisis which came without warning (Matt.8 v.24) and Jesus’ disciples were overwhelmed and nearly swamped by it (Mark 4 v.37), but the Lord was with them (in......
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A few days ago I read a story which I believe is worth repeating. A soldier was giving a talk and used his boots as an illustration of the point he was making. One boot he called Trust and the other one was Obey. I was thinking about this and realised it refers to our Christian life. As we walk through life the most important things we can do is to trust in God and to obey His Word. If we do this we will overcome our trials. The bible tells us to......
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