The Principles that Guide us

Our Core Values

Our values are principles that guide our decisions and actions. They are the things that are important to us and determine the way we do things.

Anchored in the bible

Lives of purity and truth

Since the Word of God, the Bible, is our foundation, it is important that each of us reads it, understands it, learns it and applies it.

We endeavour to live with purity and integrity and conduct ourselves in accordance with the Word of God. Teaching sound doctrine and developing a Christ like character through study and reflection on His truth. Our goal is to operate by a sure, firm grasp of the whole biblical revelation for every member, so that we will all be ready to address the changing values and pressures of our culture with assured truth and light.

Family friendly


Church is fundamentally about relationships – each individual’s relationship with God and our relationships with one another. God calls us his children and we see ourselves as his family.

We are called to be disciples of Jesus, but also teachable and ready to learn from people around us. Discipleship is not about following a formula or structure, but is about sharing lives together. We believe in being accountable to one another, helping one another, and being an example. We encourage integration across the age groups, developing a culture that naturally passes on experience and wisdom from one generation to the next.

Living to worship

Passionate and sold out for God

We are all called to be worshippers and God is seeking those who will give themselves to him in worship.

We know that time given in praise and intimacy with God is time when we are transformed into God’s likeness. We aim to give priority privately and corporately to being before God and giving Him worship. We understand the importance of being a 24/7 follower of Jesus Christ, being a witness in our school, work place, home and neighbourhood. We want God’s glory to shine forth in everything we do; for people to see the difference God has made in our lives and what he means to us.

Attentive to the Spirit

Life in the Spirit

God speaks to his people by the Holy Spirit both through the Bible and through the use of spiritual gifts such as prophecy and discernment. It is important that we are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all we do, as individuals and as a church.

God has a strategy, a plan to break down the strongholds and barriers that cause communities to divide, to breakthrough into seeing His Kingdom come and His will be done; we want to be part of that, at the forefront of what God is doing, continually in step with the Holy Spirit. We aspire to be led by the Spirit, approaching situations and circumstances with wisdom and discernment, continually seeking God as to His strategy for us as a church.


Outward focus

The church does not exist for itself. We do need to look out for one another, take care of one another, encourage one another; but, all this is ultimately for the purpose of reaching the world.

Jesus commands us to “go”. God’s plans are bigger than our immediate sphere, and it is our privilege to be used by him in taking the gospel to our community and beyond. We know that no single church has the sole responsibility of taking the good news to the entire community of Royston; therefore, we work for unity with the other churches of Royston, to honour, serve and promote the interests of one another. While we care passionately about the place we live, we also put effort into touching the nations with the love of God.

Every member in ministry

Equipping every member

The Church is a body where every member has a part to play. We are identified by God to fulfil a calling and placed in a body of people to outwork God’s plan. We encourage every member of the church to find God’s calling on their life and how it relates to the vision of the church; to be involved in ministry both inside and outside the church. The church is a place where kingdom dreams are born and live.