Knowing Jesus

[title_p_text top_title=”Becoming a follower of Jesus” top_title_part_1=”A Great Ambition” top_title_part_2=”To Know Jesus “]

Jesus himself said “come to me you who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest.” You see, following him (being a Christian), isn’t a hard thing it’s like coming home.

There’s no big list of rules to obey, just a loving father to get to know. And the more you get to know him the more you’ll want to do what’s pleasing to him. And the more you’ll experience his power in you, enabling you to do what’s right.

So what’s the catch? Well, there’s a slight problem in that Jesus is God, and God is so totally perfect and not one of us is good enough to qualify to be his followers. The only way we can become good enough is by paying the price for all our sin, all the wrong things we’ve ever done. And the price is that we’ve got to die. But that’s where Jesus stepped in. He died 2000 years ago as a substitute for you and me. He had no sin of his own, but he took yours and mine when he died on the cross. Because of that, we can now qualify as good enough to live with God!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life

John 3:16 ESV

All you’ve got to do is recognise that you’ve sinned, repent (which means to be sorry and decide to try and get it right from now on), and believe in Jesus. If you want to follow Jesus today, pray the prayer below. Talk to God and ask him to forgive you for all you’ve done wrong and he will – he’s promised to. As you pray think about the words and what they mean to you and to God. Then tell someone about it. Talk to someone who you know is a Christian and they will help you through the first steps of your new life. From here on, expect all kinds of unexpected things to happen…

Oh, and following Jesus isn’t about walking behind a dead man. Three days after he died on the cross he was raised to life again, and lives forever! Get hold of a Bible and read all about it for yourself.

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Jesus, thank you for loving me even though I don't deserve You at all. Lord, come into my life, take over, change me, break me, make me new, make me whole, forgive me, make my heart pure. Jesus, I believe You died on the cross and rose again victorious three days later. You are my Saviour and one day I will rejoice with the angels, I will see Your face, You will return to gather Your people and I will live forever with You in eternity. Lord, help me to stand for You, to shine for You, to make a difference and let Your truth be known. Use me Lord, Holy Spirit fill me to overflowing. I love You so much.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.