Life in the cross

A little while back our pastor said something which I find very profound. Something that most of us know, but somehow it impacted me with fresh revelation. : -‘There is life in the cross of Jesus and (spiritual) death without it.’ The scripture that came to mind with these words is John 10 v 10 ‘The thief (the devil) does not come but to kill, steal and destroy. I (Jesus) came that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly’ I imagine that most people associate the cross with death, as this was the form of torture by the Romans in ancient times. It is the symbol of Christianity because Jesus was executed on the cross around AD 30. But Jesus didn’t remain on that cross. As we know there is a lot more to it than that. On the third day He rose again from the dead and defeated satan so that ‘death is swallowed up in victory’ 1 Corinthians 15 v 54b.
Graham Kendrick wrote a song which I believe says it all:
Man of sorrows, Christ Divine
You humbly walked the earth
Died our death that we might live
Through Your redeeming love
You are wonderful
Jesus Lord of all
You’re my God, the One who saves
For the glory of Your name
By the sacrifice You made
Took my brokenness, gave Your righteousness
By the victory of the cross
O death where is Your victory?
O death where is Your sting?
Christ died our death at Calvary
We’re raised to life in Him!Graham Kendrick
So when we look at the cross, the Christian symbol, we see the risen Christ who conquered death through rising from the dead and therefore gave us life in Him and through Him. So by believing in Jesus and accepting that he died on the cross for our sins then rose from the dead, we too can have life and have it more abundantly. Hallelujah!
: Terry Walmsley :