Welcome To TLC
We are delighted that you want to spend a bit of time looking around our church website. We hope that you'll find what you're looking for and begin to understand a bit about what we believe and why we believe God has us here.
Church is family and family is often complicated and messy but Gods family should always be somewhere you feel safe and loved and accepted regardless. We want to encourage and support our church family to look out for each other and to share in life’s journey.
We know the early church met together, shared life together and lived for one another. Jesus spent time with those he loved, he lived, laughed and cried with them. We want to cultivate an environment that embodies the way Jesus lived with his disciples, recognise that life and Church fill the same space, understand that family work together in easy and hard times.
Becoming a Christian doesn’t ensure your life is going to move along smoothly, without any trials or difficulties. It does mean that you have recognised the need for support, fellowship and a loving God that will never leave you, especially in those tough times. Here at TLC we, as a church family, also recognise that need, to support, care for and be in fellowship with one another.
One of the characteristics of a living thing is it grows; a baby that doesn’t grow into an adult is a concern for the family. We want to see every person, young and old, grow into full maturity in Christ, being released to see the fullness of God’s gifting and calling outwork. At TLC we aim to foster a culture of grace and acceptance, challenge and progression, respect and honour, a safe place for all to mature in Christ.
Hi, we are Mark and Jackie Cotton and we head up the Pastoral Care Team under Matt and Cate here at TLC.
We’ve been married for over 20 years and have two teenaged children. Our passion is for relationship-based church and modelling Jesus to our friends and networks.
Church is family and family is often complicated and messy but Gods family should always be somewhere you feel safe and loved and accepted regardless. We want to encourage and support our church family to look out for each other and to share lives.
Our pastoral care team are there to facilitate relationships and help you find your way in to our church family as well as being a port of call when you really need to share something with someone you can trust or simply need to let off steam and can’t do it with your normal support network.
The Pastoral Care Team are: