Welcome To TLC
We are delighted that you want to spend a bit of time looking around our church website. We hope that you'll find what you're looking for and begin to understand a bit about what we believe and why we believe God has us here.
2000 years ago Jesus said “Let the little children come to me” and we believe He continues to say it today. At TLC we work towards every child having a life-enhancing encounter with the Christian faith and with the person of Jesus.
In TLC we believe that children’s ministry exists to connect kids and youth to God, to give opportunity to explore and asks questions about life and faith.
Our kid’s and youth ministry exists to provide children with tools and resources to help ignite their passions, deepen their faith in God, and lead a life all out for Jesus.
We believe connections give opportunity to express who you are and what Jesus has done, to live a life on mission. And we at TLC want to be empowering you to live life boldly.
Hi, I’m Gill Gutteridge and I head up the kids ministry, and we are Emma and Rich New who head up the youth ministry, under the covering of TLC senior leaders, Matt and Cate Hall.
At TLC it is our aim to make space for kids and youth to grow; a journey for them to experience and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Children are very much equal partners with adults in the life of the church and we encourage all members of Trinity Life Church to get involved with this valuable ministry, be it through prayer or helping out at a Sunday Service.
We recognise and welcome the capacity of children to transform the church and the world, so encourage children at TLC to step out in faith to follow the calling and giftings God has given to them. We want to see children released to their full potential in Christ.
Here at TLC we believe our kids and youth are a group of passionate evangelists, walking in the power of God, unhindered by the world and uncompromising for His Kingdom, that will “go” and see miracles, signs and wonders in their neighbourhoods, communities and the world.