Compassion UK
“Compassion UK is a Christian charity passionate about empowering all children to overcome the obstacles poverty puts in their way. Our approach to fighting poverty is highly focused and personal. It’s summed up in three simple words: Compassion for children. We show every child they matter, linking them with one sponsor whose support gives them a hope and a future.” – Compassion UK
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6 NIV
Statistics show that Nicaragua is the poorest country in Central America and the second poorest in the Western Hemisphere, with approximately 30 percent of its population living on less than £2 a day. As a church we partner with Compassion UK and support a community in Nicaragua to not only support families, but provide children with essentials like healthcare, education, food, and importantly give them the chance to hear about the hope of Christ.
Many of the people in TLC sponsor a child through Compassion UK and the majority of those are based in the community project run by Compassion UK just outside Managua.
And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
Matthew 18:5NIV
Independent research shows that Compassion-sponsored children are more likely to be employed as adults, and leaders in their communities. We want to be part of that future; we want to be part of bringing hope; we want to be part of changing lives for good.
As a community here in the UK, we like to give a one-off donation each year to our supported community in Nicaragua. If you want to join with us in blessing the community we partner with, you can donate to the cause. Or if you are interested in sponsoring a child on a regular basis, please contact us.