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Join many Christ-followers around the world in using the SOAP method of conducting your daily quiet time/devotions. It is very easy to use:
Scripture – having asked God to make the words you are about to read, a LIVING WORD for you today, go ahead and read the Scripture verses assigned for the day…
Observations – meditate on the words that you have just read, taking time to consider what words/phrases jumped out at you/were meaningful, comforting, perhaps challenging and convicting for you …
Application – give some thought as to how you might apply this observation and learning to your life today or in days to come. Don’t be overwhelmed and think that the change God might be calling on you to make is to much for you to action. Remember what His Word tells you through the Apostle Paul: “I (you) can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (you)” Philippians 4:13
Prayer – simply quieten yourself before your Heavenly Father and talk to Him like a child would to a loving and caring parent… Thanking Him for His Word and Light given to you this morning and asking Him to help you apply it in your everyday life going forward.